Etampes, Essonne, FR
1 day ago
Sales and Marketing
Job Details2025-02-11T10:59:00+00:00 21197

Sales and Marketing

Manager Equipe Commerciale (moissonneuses batteuses)

Job ID: 21197
Location: Etampes, Essonne, FR
Job Family: Sales and Marketing
Job Type: Permanent

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CNH Industrial is a global capital goods company specializing in equipment and services for Agriculture and Construction. The Company operates commercially through its brand portfolio which includes Case IH, New Holland Agriculture, Steyr, CASE and New Holland Construction Equipment. More information can be found on the corporate website:

Mission(s) générale(s) / Finalité de l’emploi

Le/la Manager d’Equipe Commerciale a la charge d’assurer la performance commerciale pour les lignes de produits et pour la zone géographique qui lui sont confiées.

A la tête d’une équipe de commerciaux, il/elle doit mettre en œuvre la politique commerciale de l’entreprise définie par la direction commerciale et il/elle est le garant(e) des résultats commerciaux suivant les objectifs qui lui sont transmis.

Il/elle s’assure de la coordination efficace des activités, équipes et l’ensemble des services connexes au sein de sa CBU (Commercial Business Unit) grâce à des échanges réguliers et formalisés.

Relations de travail / Champ relationnel (Relations hiérarchiques – fonctionnelles – internes – externes)

Il/elle est rattaché(e) au Business Director de son périmètre.

En interne, il/elle est en interaction avec les différentes équipes commerciales du marché sur le terrain, l’équipe Marketing ainsi qu’avec la direction commerciale de son périmètre. En lien direct avec l’ensemble des équipes France : Service, Pièces, Agriculture de Précision, Financements, Risque Concessionnaires, Développement Réseau, Contrôle Financier, RH et la Direction Européenne.

En externe, il/elle est en relation avec les concessionnaires du réseau de distribution et leurs équipes, les clients finaux, les partenaires institutionnels.

Données clés : non financières (ex. encadrement, …) ; financières (ex : budget, …)

Il/elle est responsable du management et de l’encadrement d’une équipe de commerciaux.

Gestion de budgets.

Gestion de KPI opérationnels.

Description des activités significatives

En suivant les règles administratives et commerciales régissant le groupe CNH, il/elle :

Encadre et anime une équipe de commerciaux (ex : définition des axes de travail, des objectifs, gestion du fonctionnement au quotidien) Assure le suivi des indicateurs de vente et de performance commerciale et le déploiement des actions commerciales, contribue à la définition des actions correctives dont il assure le déploiement Assure le suivi des indicateurs de satisfaction clients et concessionnaires, contribue à la définition des actions correctives dont il assure le déploiement Anime le processus stratégique de vente Encadre les plans d’amélioration des standards concessionnaires dans toutes les composantes de leur activité. Coordonne les activités des services connexes (ex : les services, les pièces, le financement, Développement réseaux, agriculture de précision) dans le cadre de sa Commercial Business Unit (Unité d’affaires) Présente ses résultats lors des Comités de Direction et des revues de marché en présence de la Direction Européenne (équipe et CBU) Assure un suivi rigoureux des budgets à sa charge dans le cadre de la délégation d’autorité de l’entreprise Intervient en support de ses équipes en cas de besoin sur des sujets et/ou dossiers particuliers

Responsabilités exercées et latitude d’action / Degré d’autonomie – Reporting

Il/elle agit en totale autonomie dans son rôle de Manager d’Equipe Commerciale et dans l’encadrement de son équipe et la coordination de sa CBU. Il/elle assure une communication régulière auprès du Business Director.

Il/elle est en charge de :

Garantir la performance commerciale pour des lignes de produits et une zone géographique définies Renforcer la satisfaction des clients de la marque au travers de l’analyse régulière du parcours client Mener le pilotage commercial du réseau de distribution (ex : analyse des résultats de chaque concession pour détermination de l’accompagnement nécessaire, commerciale ou autres) Garantir le déploiement du plan Marketing et Communication à l’échelle du réseau de distribution Contribuer à la politique de Développement Réseau (ex : visite concurrence, optimisation du territoire, remontée d’information) Piloter sa CBU et conduire les réunions de celles-ci sur une base trimestrielle, l’objectif étant de lever les freins et d’améliorer la performance commerciale Participer trimestriellement au Comité de Direction de son périmètre

Connaissances requises

Connaissance approfondie de l’industrie agricole Connaissance générale du machinisme agricole Connaissance professionnelle du marketing et des techniques de vente Compétences commerciales dans l’appréhension de la relation client au quotidien Connaissances en finances et en calcul de marge Leadership et aptitude à communiquer (écrit et oral) et force de proposition Gestion de projets et management Maitrise du pack office Maitrise de l’Anglais et connaissance d’autres langues étrangères sont un plus Esprit d’équipe, autonomie, rigueur, organisation, flexibilité, structuré, curiosité, sens de l’anticipation et prise d’initiative 

Etablissement / Localisation / Déplacement

Poste rattaché à l’établissement de : Morigny-Champigny

Localisation : en région, itinérant

Niveau de déplacement : Déplacements fréquents en fonction des besoins de l’entreprise, éventuels déplacements à l’étranger 

Apply now Share This JobOur Engineering & Technical Team

Explore the exciting and rewarding career opportunities in our engineering and technical departments, where you can grow your skills and experience, advance your career, and meet customer needs with innovative solutions.

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View Working at CNH video transcript Please review and accept cookies to view the video. View Audio Description >
View Working at CNH video transcript× Please review and accept cookies to view the video.


Title, Working at CNH. A worker, framed by construction equipment, tends to crops in a field.

A farmer oversees the growth of verdant plants.

Text, Grow Together. A diverse group of young women at work in a number of office settings.

Text, Diverse.

Workers in a warehouse. People hard at work in office settings.

Text, Inclusive. A team works together in collaboration. A worker walks through an office. Workers assemble machines. Text, One Team.

Text, Flexible. A sports team; construction workers on the job; men working as a team.

Text, At the forefront of Precision Technology. Images of technology and agricultural equipment in the field.

Using technology to modernize a wheelchair and modify a vehicle. Text, Digitalization.

Text, Electrification. Alternative fuels.

Text, Well Being. A dad with his baby on an outdoor swing. A couple of surfers head into the ocean.

Text, Our people make the difference. The faces of a diverse group of smiling people.

Text, Join us on our journey.

Careers at CNH dot com.


Join us at the forefront of precision technology, automation, electrification, and alternative fuels. Be part of a team that makes a difference with their innovative thinking and inspired creativity.

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View Working at CNH video transcript Please review and accept cookies to view the video. View Audio Description >
View Working at CNH video transcript× Please review and accept cookies to view the video.


Title, Working at CNH. A worker, framed by construction equipment, tends to crops in a field.

A farmer oversees the growth of verdant plants.

Text, Grow Together. A diverse group of young women at work in a number of office settings.

Text, Diverse.

Workers in a warehouse. People hard at work in office settings.

Text, Inclusive. A team works together in collaboration. A worker walks through an office. Workers assemble machines. Text, One Team.

Text, Flexible. A sports team; construction workers on the job; men working as a team.

Text, At the forefront of Precision Technology. Images of technology and agricultural equipment in the field.

Using technology to modernize a wheelchair and modify a vehicle. Text, Digitalization.

Text, Electrification. Alternative fuels.

Text, Well Being. A dad with his baby on an outdoor swing. A couple of surfers head into the ocean.

Text, Our people make the difference. The faces of a diverse group of smiling people.

Text, Join us on our journey.

Careers at CNH dot com.Working at CNH

Join us at the forefront of precision technology, automation, electrification, and alternative fuels. Be part of a team that makes a difference with their innovative thinking and inspired creativity.

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View CNH: A History of Firsts video transcript× Please review and accept cookies to view the video.


Breaking New Ground: Innovation Sustainability Productivity

TIM ROSZHART: Farmers have a really important job, not just helping to grow the food that feeds all of
us but to do it in a way that’s sustainable for us as a people and us as a planet.

DAN ESLINGER: CNH partners with our customers to enable their business to operate. That’s
through the use of technology, deployment of capital, dealer and support networks, and everything that’s
required for them to operate their business successfully.

TIM ROSZHART: So for those workers that were blessed enough to get into the ag industry into farming,
it’s really around how do we amplify or expand the capabilities of what they can get done.

MATT AMES: It’s an exciting time for the tractors and for the farmers as these technologies mature and
these designs are put into use and are going to be rolled out to our customers.

TIM ROSZHART: With technology, we’re able to make decisions that care for every square foot of
ground. It’s a great way to take interest in connectivity and mobile apps, artificial intelligence, and
computer vision, these things that we see in other industries, in automotive, even in the gaming industry,
and others and how to– can actually bring those interests and those passions and those skills and use it
for this great purpose to help feed the world. That’s pretty cool.

Text, Innovate with Us, www dot CNH dot com

Strips of metallic red, silver and gray whoosh, Logo, C N H I, IndustrialTechnology Creates New Opportunities to Feed the World

We partner with customers and listen to their needs, using their feedback to innovate technology that utilizes connectivity, computer vision, and artificial intelligence.

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View Technology Creative New Opportunities to Feed the World video transcript× Please review and accept cookies to view the video.


Sunrays beaming down over a wheat field.

SPEAKER: The pace of change has always been fast.

Tractors plow through a field.

CNH and our brands have never stood still.

Black-and-white photographs of equipment from days gone by.

Our legacy is farming’s progress.

Text, 1869, First steam engine tractor. 1892, First gasoline-powered tractor.

We have written the history of agriculture for over 180 years,

1904, First all-steel thresher.

always innovating for the farmer, our customer,

1917, World’s first mass produced tractor.

helping generation after generation get the job done,

1923, Farmall. First all-purpose implement tractor. 1940, First self-tying automatic pick-up baler.

an endless dedication that has led to more firsts than any other agriculture company.

1943, First commercial mechanical cotton picker. 1952, Europe’s first self-propelled combine harvester.

We revolutionized and kept reinventing for the industry,

1960, First self-propelled windrower.

making operations more efficient,

1964, First mower-conditioner.

more effective,

1974, World’s first twin rotor combine.

more profitable.

1975, First self-propelled grape harvester. 1977, First single rotor combine. 1980, First in-cab automatic sprayer control system.

Utilizing precision technology to drive higher yields.

1995, First commercial use of integrated precision farming. 1996, First tractor with four-tracked system.

And in changing times, we are working to make our world more sustainable.

2009, First wireless services to sync field to office. 2009, First zero emissions hydrogen-powered tractor.

Our concepts challenge the status quo.

2016, First autonomous row crop tractor concept. 2017, First smart application system with individual nozzle control.

Introducing the future today,

2019, First contactless camera system to navigate row crops. 2019, First production 100% methane-powered tractor.

paving the way with electrification and alternative fuels

2020, First commercial autonomous solutions for agriculture.

we stand with the world’s farmers

2022, First electric tractor prototype with autonomous features.

doing the hard yards,

2022, First autonomous spreader.

carrying the banner of progress,

2022, World’s first liquefied natural gas tractor.

forever breaking new ground.

Logo, CNH. Breaking New Ground. Innovation, Sustainability, Productivity.


We have shaped the history of agriculture with pioneering firsts spanning over three centuries.

Please review and accept cookies to view the video. View Audio Description >
View Working at CNH video transcript× Please review and accept cookies to view the video.


Title, Working at CNH. A worker, framed by construction equipment, tends to crops in a field.

A farmer oversees the growth of verdant plants.

Text, Grow Together. A diverse group of young women at work in a number of office settings.

Text, Diverse.

Workers in a warehouse. People hard at work in office settings.

Text, Inclusive. A team works together in collaboration. A worker walks through an office. Workers assemble machines. Text, One Team.

Text, Flexible. A sports team; construction workers on the job; men working as a team.

Text, At the forefront of Precision Technology. Images of technology and agricultural equipment in the field.

Using technology to modernize a wheelchair and modify a vehicle. Text, Digitalization.

Text, Electrification. Alternative fuels.

Text, Well Being. A dad with his baby on an outdoor swing. A couple of surfers head into the ocean.

Text, Our people make the difference. The faces of a diverse group of smiling people.

Text, Join us on our journey.

Careers at CNH dot com.


Join us at the forefront of precision technology, automation, electrification, and alternative fuels. Be part of a team that makes a difference with their innovative thinking and inspired creativity.

View Audio Description >
View CNH: A History of Firsts video transcript× Please review and accept cookies to view the video.


Breaking New Ground: Innovation Sustainability Productivity

TIM ROSZHART: Farmers have a really important job, not just helping to grow the food that feeds all of
us but to do it in a way that’s sustainable for us as a people and us as a planet.

DAN ESLINGER: CNH partners with our customers to enable their business to operate. That’s
through the use of technology, deployment of capital, dealer and support networks, and everything that’s
required for them to operate their business successfully.

TIM ROSZHART: So for those workers that were blessed enough to get into the ag industry into farming,
it’s really around how do we amplify or expand the capabilities of what they can get done.

MATT AMES: It’s an exciting time for the tractors and for the farmers as these technologies mature and
these designs are put into use and are going to be rolled out to our customers.

TIM ROSZHART: With technology, we’re able to make decisions that care for every square foot of
ground. It’s a great way to take interest in connectivity and mobile apps, artificial intelligence, and
computer vision, these things that we see in other industries, in automotive, even in the gaming industry,
and others and how to– can actually bring those interests and those passions and those skills and use it
for this great purpose to help feed the world. That’s pretty cool.

Text, Innovate with Us, www dot CNH dot com

Strips of metallic red, silver and gray whoosh, Logo, C N H I, Industrial Please review and accept cookies to view the video.

CNH: A History of Firsts

We have shaped the history of agriculture with pioneering firsts spanning  over three centuries.

View Audio Description >
View Technology Creative New Opportunities to Feed the World video transcript× Please review and accept cookies to view the video.


Sunrays beaming down over a wheat field.

SPEAKER: The pace of change has always been fast.

Tractors plow through a field.

CNH and our brands have never stood still.

Black-and-white photographs of equipment from days gone by.

Our legacy is farming’s progress.

Text, 1869, First steam engine tractor. 1892, First gasoline-powered tractor.

We have written the history of agriculture for over 180 years,

1904, First all-steel thresher.

always innovating for the farmer, our customer,

1917, World’s first mass produced tractor.

helping generation after generation get the job done,

1923, Farmall. First all-purpose implement tractor. 1940, First self-tying automatic pick-up baler.

an endless dedication that has led to more firsts than any other agriculture company.

1943, First commercial mechanical cotton picker. 1952, Europe’s first self-propelled combine harvester.

We revolutionized and kept reinventing for the industry,

1960, First self-propelled windrower.

making operations more efficient,

1964, First mower-conditioner.

more effective,

1974, World’s first twin rotor combine.

more profitable.

1975, First self-propelled grape harvester. 1977, First single rotor combine. 1980, First in-cab automatic sprayer control system.

Utilizing precision technology to drive higher yields.

1995, First commercial use of integrated precision farming. 1996, First tractor with four-tracked system.

And in changing times, we are working to make our world more sustainable.

2009, First wireless services to sync field to office. 2009, First zero emissions hydrogen-powered tractor.

Our concepts challenge the status quo.

2016, First autonomous row crop tractor concept. 2017, First smart application system with individual nozzle control.

Introducing the future today,

2019, First contactless camera system to navigate row crops. 2019, First production 100% methane-powered tractor.

paving the way with electrification and alternative fuels

2020, First commercial autonomous solutions for agriculture.

we stand with the world’s farmers

2022, First electric tractor prototype with autonomous features.

doing the hard yards,

2022, First autonomous spreader.

carrying the banner of progress,

2022, World’s first liquefied natural gas tractor.

forever breaking new ground.

Logo, CNH. Breaking New Ground. Innovation, Sustainability, Productivity.

(SPEECH)[MUSIC PLAYING] Please review and accept cookies to view the video.


We have shaped the history of agriculture with pioneering firsts spanning over three centuries.

View Audio Description >
View Working at CNH video transcript× Please review and accept cookies to view the video.


Title, Working at CNH. A worker, framed by construction equipment, tends to crops in a field.

A farmer oversees the growth of verdant plants.

Text, Grow Together. A diverse group of young women at work in a number of office settings.

Text, Diverse.

Workers in a warehouse. People hard at work in office settings.

Text, Inclusive. A team works together in collaboration. A worker walks through an office. Workers assemble machines. Text, One Team.

Text, Flexible. A sports team; construction workers on the job; men working as a team.

Text, At the forefront of Precision Technology. Images of technology and agricultural equipment in the field.

Using technology to modernize a wheelchair and modify a vehicle. Text, Digitalization.

Text, Electrification. Alternative fuels.

Text, Well Being. A dad with his baby on an outdoor swing. A couple of surfers head into the ocean.

Text, Our people make the difference. The faces of a diverse group of smiling people.

Text, Join us on our journey.

Careers at CNH dot com.

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Join us at the forefront of precision technology, automation, electrification, and alternative fuels. Be part of a team that makes a difference with their innovative thinking and inspired creativity.

body .location-slider .tcvs-content > .fusion-column-wrapper::before { top: 0; height: 110%; } Please review and accept cookies to view the video. View Audio Description >
View CNH Corporate Video – We Never Stop Breaking New Ground video transcript× Please review and accept cookies to view the video.


Logo, CNH. The sun casts its rays over an expansive wheat field. Text, Feed Generations.

SPEAKER: When you’re part of a company that’s helped feed generations, build cities, and transform
industry time and time again, it’s easy to rest on your laurels. But that’s not us.

Sophisticated farming equipment plows through a wheat field.

At CNH, we never stop breaking new ground.

Rectangular bales of wheat are deposited from the harvester onto the field.

In an ever-changing world with never-ending challenges, too much depends on what we do.

Two farming professionals on the field, engaged on a cellphone and making notes on a clipboard.

It’s a singular focus shared by each and every member of our team.

Technicians tending to farming equipment on the field. A farm worker feeds grain to a heifer cow.


Combine harvesters.

Text, Innovation.


Breaking new ground leads us to innovations that combine the strength of our past with the intelligence of
tomorrow; creating customer focused solutions for real world problems;

Complex farming machinery tills the soil, farms the land.

providing alternative fuels for ever-changing needs;

In the field, grain is transferred from one farming vehicle to another.

autonomous, automated, and precision systems that streamline production and boost profitability.


Earth-moving excavators on the field.

Breaking new ground guides us to greater productivity, allowing us to do more with less.

An office worker engages with three computer monitors.

In a fast-moving world, we stay a step ahead, forecasting challenges, and finding future-proof solutions,
and supporting time-honored skills with cutting-edge science.

In the field, a worker taps on a tablet.

For us, breaking new ground also goes beyond machinery, which is why we continue our commitment to
sustainability. With alternative fuels, and electrification, lower emissions, and less waste, we’re meeting
the challenges of a changing world.


A mother and child hold hands in a field, watching windmills rotate.

From the farm fields to the executive office, finding new ways to improve, challenge, and transform is at
the core of all we do.

A factory operator wears a shirt with the company logo, New Holland – Agriculture.

For the people working to feed the world and build for the future, every day is our chance to make a
difference. We’re CNH, breaking new ground, relentlessly working for a brighter future.


Logo, CNH. Breaking New Ground. Innovation; Sustainability; Productivity.

CNH Corporate Video – We Never Stop Breaking New Ground

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View Raven Interns: Solving Real Chaleenges video transcript× Please review and accept cookies to view the video.


An instructor writes on a whiteboard, checking the boxes: Perform E V T testing. Evaluate.

SPEAKER: Raven interns are solving real challenges so we can help farmers serve the world.

OMNi Power machines farm the land.

Our interns enjoy the full Raven experience, from one-on-one mentorship with experts in the field to
learning sessions and making cutting edge agriculture technology and products come to life. We don’t just
have interns– we depend on them. Join a team where your passion finds purpose.

Logo, Raven. Text, raven i n d dot com slash interns.

Raven Interns: Solving Real Chaleenges

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CNH Corporate Video – We Never Stop Breaking New Ground

View Audio Description >
View Raven Interns: Solving Real Chaleenges video transcript× Please review and accept cookies to view the video.


An instructor writes on a whiteboard, checking the boxes: Perform E V T testing. Evaluate.

SPEAKER: Raven interns are solving real challenges so we can help farmers serve the world.

OMNi Power machines farm the land.

Our interns enjoy the full Raven experience, from one-on-one mentorship with experts in the field to
learning sessions and making cutting edge agriculture technology and products come to life. We don’t just
have interns– we depend on them. Join a team where your passion finds purpose.

Logo, Raven. Text, raven i n d dot com slash interns. Please review and accept cookies to view the video.

Raven Interns: Solving Real Chaleenges

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