Rockledge, FL, 32956, USA
19 days ago
Peer Support Specialist - South County
Hourly Rate: $17.30/hr Pos i ti o n Su m mary: T h e P e er Su p port Sp ecialist works with t h e M R T T h erapist a nd t h e M RT Case Manager to s upport individuals in the co mm unity strug g l i ng w i th me nt al health issues. This position will serve individuals in the Southern part of Brevard county. T h e Peer Support Specialist offers the perspective of hav i ng liv e d e xp e rienc e d a nd helps advocate for the client, focusing on building a mutual relationship t h at foste r s hope a n d o ptimis m . Th i s position m a intai n s i nformation r e garding the en vi ronment of current services to ensure a f l ex i ble, respons i ve, cu l turally comp e te n t s e rvice d e l ivery system. Technical/F u ncti o nal E x p ec tat i ons: One‐on‐ o ne support (Esse n tial F un c tion ) : Provide on e ‐on‐one su ppo rt and enc o uragem e nt through stories of hope, recovery, and healing. Goal Setting (Essent i al F u n ction): Assist with s e tti n g g oals and id en tifying positi v e environ me nts and social connections. Advocate (Esse n tial Fun c t i on): Advocate for active e ngage m ent in team m e eti n gs and serv ic es. Mentoring a n d Advoc a cy ( Essent i al F u n ction): Provide m e ntoring and advocacy for cli e nt voice and the value of lived experience within agenc i es, communities, and systems. Meet i ng A ttendan c e (Essential Fu n ctio n) : Att e nd Fa m ily Team Con f e r ences, a n d any other collaboration me e tings to help s u pport the cli e nt’s v oice to be heard Other dut i es as required: Job perform a nce r equires f ulfilling other inc i dental or related duti e s as assigned, assisting, and training othe rs , and perfo r ming d u ties o f higher rated positions from time to time for dev e lopmental purposes. Behavio r al C omp e t e ncie s : Listening: Ab l e to pay at te ntion to oth e rs; listen w i t h out i n terru p t i ng; convey understa n di n g of others' p oints of view; clarify unde rs tanding of q uestions and objections before resp o ndin g . Integrity: Ab l e to demonstrate consist e ncy of words and actions; protect c onf i dential information; pract i ce w hat he/she preaches; do w hat is right even when no one is watching. Trust and Respect: Ab l e to demonstrate and tre a t o t h ers in an ho n est and strai g htforward manner; ke e p deal i ngs w i th others co n fidential; k ee p word a n d f ollow throu g h on comm i tm e nts. Adaptability: Able to adju s t approach w hen de a ling with arrogant or infl e xib l e pe o ple; a d apt to cha n ges i n situation, di r ection, or p eo ple; adjust to needs of others without losing self. Considerati o n: Able to s h ow respect f o r the feel i ngs o r needs of o thers; show courtesy and make others comf o rtable; attentive while others are speaking. Problem Solv i ng: Ab l e to e xercise j ud g ment in bui ld ing realist i c s o lutions to p r oblems; understa n d the real issues beh i nd prob l ems; use co m mon sense a n d t a ke practical action to solve problems. Sens i tivity: Wo rk effe c tive l y with and s ho w sensitivity to cultural d i ffere n ces a nd various socio‐econom i c b a ckgrou n ds of others. Eth i cs: A dhe r e to a n d mo d el pri n cip l es and values of Age n cy a n d System of Ca r e by being strength‐ba s ed, solution‐ fo cused, ma in tains hi g hest level of i n te g rity and ethical standards and work collaboratively with e mployees, p a rtners, stak e holders and clients i n all interactions. Business Experience: Minimum 1‐ year c o nsu m er ex p erie n ce in the foster care and/or b ehavioral he a lth system: This is requir e d to provide g ui d ance to t he c l ient a nd to b e able to m a k e recommendations, suggestions a nd to address barriers. Ex p erie n ce n avigati n g c o mplex syste m s: This is required to assist, gui d e, and e mpower the client. Computer Sk i lls: Basic computer skills a r e requi r ed to develop ta l k i ng points or presentations to groups. Public/Gr o up Speak i ng: This is necessary to speak to s m a ll groups, stakeholders, system of c a re partners and others about the n eeds a n d challen g es of youth i n the system. Educat i onal and E x per i e n ce Re q uire m ents: High School Diploma req u ired. AA/AS ‐ Associates Deg r ee or equival en t prefer r ed. Former con s umer experience in f o ster care and/or behavioral he a lth. Physical Re q uirem e nts: Sitt i ng Standi n g Bending Near Acuity Re a d ing Sp ea ki ng Listening Typing Writing The Brevard Family Partnership family of agencies are Equal Opportunity Employers, comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and maintain a drug-free workplace. The Brevard Family Partnership family of agencies maintain and enforce a drug-free workplace program.
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