Bothell, WA, US
3 days ago
Managers, Software Development

Career Band:


Be unstoppable with us!
T-Mobile is synonymous with innovation–and you could be part of the team that disrupted an entire industry! We reinvented customer service, brought real 5G to the nation, and now we’re shaping the future of technology in wireless and beyond. Our work is as exciting as it is rewarding, so consider the career opportunity below as your invitation to grow with us, make big things happen with us, above all, #BEYOU with us. Together, we won’t stop!

Position summary

T-Mobile is America’s supercharged Un-carrier, delivering an advanced 4G LTE and transformative nationwide 5G network that will offer reliable connectivity for all. Managers, Software Development located in Bothell, WA will build, develop, and manage a team of software engineers and product managers who will help in building and delivering software solutions that typically include front end web frameworks, back-end services, micro services, databases, and all associated cloud infrastructure required to deploy and maintain the end-to-end solution.

Position duties and responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

Design, develop, implement, maintain, and test large-scale operational applications and solutions that allow our lines products and services to provide a best-in class experience to our customers.

Ensure the delivery of innovative and industry-leading software solutions to internal teams that include Digital Services, Data Analytics, Frontline Sales and Service Delivery, loT Platforms and Network Services, Billing and Finance, Shared Services, and other operational needs.

Work closely with developers, analysts, and technical delivery managers on multiple projects with operational reporting requirements.

Leverage expertise in delivering scalable APIs while considering security (authentication and authorization) and privacy best practices.

Leverage expertise in building scalable systems/applications from conception though successful delivery to our customers.

Demonstrate skills in one or more of the following languages: Java, JavaScript, Python, Golang, Node.js, and Angular JS.

Demonstrate knowledge of industry best practices and utilize a deep understanding of how data is extracted, transformed, scrubbed, and loaded in a large Data Warehouse environment with data originating from desperate source systems.

Monitor and measure work tasks to ensure deliverables are provided on time and within budget, and manage technical relationships with assigned vendors, including driving features and function requests for inclusion in future product releases.

Provide support for engineering team by removing roadblocks and ensuring the team has everything they need to deliver high quality software quickly.

Support the team in creating training and career development plans and ensure assignments with increasing levels of responsibility are given to staff.

Identify the right candidates for my team and work with my recruiting partner to bring them on board.

Provide real-time feedback and coaching to team to drive high performance and career growth; set clear expectations and addresses performance issues with support from manager.

Think about the talent of team strategically; create growth opportunities for team members while addressing gaps and risks through recruiting, training, and performance management.

Communicate clearly technical concepts and analysis to a wide audience.

Telecommuting is permitted, but applicants must live within a reasonable commuting distance.

Skill requirements:

(1) Utilizing cloud services (AWS/Azure) to deliver automated workflows using Databricks & Azure Data Factory;

(2) Architecting and developing applications with JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, web services, and REST APIs (using XML/JSON);

(3) Working with continuous integration and development (CI/CD) methodologies and version control systems including GIT, Jenkins, and Visual Studio;

(4) Utilizing Agile software development practices for continuous delivery through Jira and Jira Align;

(5) Creating compelling reports using Power BI & Tableau to convert complex enterprise scenarios into understandable stories;

(6) Building Server-side web application technology using Angular, Node.js, JSP, and Python; and

(7) Developing and executing SQL queries, analyzing customer data, and generating reports to draw conclusion from organizational data.

Experience and education requirements:

PRIMARY REQUIREMENTS: Master’s degree in Information Management, Information Technology, Data Science, or related, and 3 years of relevant work experience.

ALTERNATIVE REQUIREMENTS: Bachelor’s degree in Information Management, Information Technology, Data Science, or related, and 5 years of relevant work experience.


Location:  Bothell, WA

This position is eligible for the employee referral program.

How to apply:


Create a candidate profile, and apply to REQ281869.

OTHER:  Work hours: 40 hours/week. Washington Pay Range: $229,986.00 - $234,986.00/year.

The pay range above is the general base pay range for a successful candidate in the state listed. The successful candidate’s actual pay will be based on various factors, such as work location, qualifications, and experience.

At T-Mobile, employees in regular, non-temporary roles are eligible for an annual bonus or periodic sales incentive or bonus, based on their role.  Most Corporate employees are eligible for a year-end bonus based on company and/or individual performance and which is set at a percentage of the employee’s eligible earnings in the prior year.  Certain positions in Customer Care are eligible for monthly bonuses based on individual and/or team performance, while Retail and Business Sales roles are eligible for monthly or quarterly sales incentives.  And since we are ALL owners, EVERY employee at T-Mobile is eligible for an Annual Stock Grant.  For information about T-Mobile’s amazing benefits, check out

• At least 18 years of age
• Legally authorized to work in the United States

Travel Required (Yes/No):No

DOT Regulated:
DOT Regulated Position (Yes/No):No
Safety Sensitive Position (Yes/No):No

At T-Mobile, our benefits exemplify the spirit of One Team, Together! A big part of how we care for one another is working to ensure our benefits evolve to meet the needs of our team members. Full and part-time employees have access to the same benefits when eligible. We cover all of the bases, offering medical, dental and vision insurance, a flexible spending account, 401(k), employee stock grants, employee stock purchase plan, paid time off and up to paid 12 holidays - which total about 4 weeks for new full-time employees and about 2.5 weeks for new part-time employees annually - paid parental and family leave, family building benefits, back-up care, enhanced family support, childcare subsidy, tuition assistance, college coaching, short and long term disability, voluntary AD&D coverage, voluntary accident coverage, voluntary life insurance, voluntary disability insurance, and voluntary long-term care insurance. 

We don't stop there- eligible employees can receive mobile service & home internet discounts, pet insurance, and access to commuter and transit programs! To learn about T-Mobile’s amazing benefits, check out  

Never stop growing!
As part of the T-Mobile team, you know the Un-carrier doesn’t have a corporate ladder–it’s more like a jungle gym of possibilities! We love helping our employees grow in their careers, because it’s that shared drive to aim high that drives our business and our culture forward. By applying for this career opportunity, you’re living our values while investing in your career growth–and we applaud it. You’re unstoppable!

T-Mobile USA, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All decisions concerning the employment relationship will be made without regard to age, race, ethnicity, color, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, religious affiliation, marital status, citizenship status, veteran status, the presence of any physical or mental disability, or any other status or characteristic protected by federal, state, or local law. Discrimination, retaliation or harassment based upon any of these factors is wholly inconsistent with how we do business and will not be tolerated.

Talent comes in all forms at the Un-carrier. If you are an individual with a disability and need reasonable accommodation at any point in the application or interview process, please let us know by emailing or calling 1-844-873-9500. Please note, this contact channel is not a means to apply for or inquire about a position and we are unable to respond to non-accommodation related requests.

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