6 hours ago
Mainframe DB2 DBA
Job Seekers, Please send resumes to

This work effort involves providing mainframe DB2 performance review and advice for SSA's DB2 application databases in all of the SSA environments (development, validation, integration, and production). Additionally, the resource will be responsible for the migration of DB2 stored procedure definitions in the DB2 catalog as the application migrates their releases through the life cycle. Direct interaction with the application development team will be required.



Skills Requirements

Mainframe DB2 DBA experience at least at Version 8.

Prior experience in mainframe application development.

A strong knowledge of how to read/tune SQL is required.

Experience with CA DB2 tools.

Experience with Ommegamon for DB2.

Excellent verbal and written communication skills.

Ability to independently research problems and provide solutions.

May be required to mentor client/LM staff.

Will be required to provide weekend/off-hours support for production implementations/performance reviews.


PLEASE NOTE: MUST HAVE At least 5 years of DB2 DBA experience.

Must have at least a BS degree in Computer Science or equivalent with a minimum of ten years of experience or an MS degree in Computer Science or related degree with eight + year


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