Tokyo, Tokyo
7 hours ago
IT_Enterprise Applications Manager

Department: Information Technology Division, Enterprise Applications Team

Report Line: IT Division Head


Information Technology Division in Japan is a team of technology orchestrators who shape the future of Healthineers.   

Our mission is to (1) drive innovative digital transformation, (2) ensure secure and sustainable IT services to support the going concern of our company, and (3) drive digital culture across the organization as technology evangelists.

Enterprise Applications Team will own these missions from data, applications, architecture and UX standpoints. 

Responsibilities:As Manager of Enterprise Applications Team, you will lead a team of IT professionals responsible for 1. Data ecosystem, 2. core business application development, 3. small-to-mid size innovative digital apps development, 4. architecture management and 5. UX. Work with Japan Head of IT to build, own and be responsible for the overarching enterprise architecture strategy of Siemens Healthcare K.K.Work with Japan Head of IT to drive digital transformation roadmap in Japan.Lead your team to design and build the data ecosystem that provides an environment for visualization, analytics and predictive modeling performed by Data Science Team in Siemens Healthcare K.K.Lead your team to migrate legacy core business platform to new global platform, most immediately SAP AP0 to P58.Lead your team to reduce, migrate and/or transform other local legacy interfaces, most immediately to the global platforms through JP50 Project.Lead your team to drive digital culture through innovative solutions.Lead your team to build and manage the overarching enterprise architecture, including Azure. Design and build applications, data ecosystems and architecture that are in line with persona journey, taking user empathy into consideration.Manage expectations of business stakeholders by building a sense of shared goal and achievement, using effective communication skills and trust building skills. Liaise with external parties (i.e. vendors, clients) in contractual matters related IT services within given authority levels.  Manage IT budget related to data, application and architecture development.Adhere to company’s cybersecurity standards.Keep abreast of industry and legal trends.Increase team engagement and diversity.
Applicant Eligibility
[MUST HAVE Requirement]Project Management experience (Waterfall, Agile).Programming and application development experience.Experience in SAP, ServiceNow, Microsoft Power Platform. Experience in leading a middle size team for 3 years or more.Experience in owning a(n) part of/entire of large-scale global system deployment workstreams.Experience in designing data ecosystem and establishing data governance.Experience in managing key business stakeholders who are at the senior level of organization (CEO, CFO, etc.). Bachelor or Master’s degree in information systems, computer science, MIS or working experience in the equivalent fields.Business level English and Japanese[Welcome Requirement]Knowledge in Snowflake, KNIME, Snaplogic, Winshuttle, Microsoft AzureExperience in Design Thinking Appreciation in UXPMP CertificationKnowledge in enterprise architecture Bachelor or Master’s degree in business administration or equivalent business knowledge
【雇用形態】正社員【勤務区分】在宅 ※月3~5日出社の可能性あり【契約期間】期間の定めなし【試用期間】6か月(条件変更無)【就業場所】本社【就業時間】標準9:00~18:00【休憩時間】基本休憩時間12:00~13:00【時間外労働】あり【賃金】想定年収1200~1500万(経験・スキルに基づき決定)【昇給】年1回(10月)【賞与】年2回(6月、12月)【加入保険】雇用保険、労災保険、厚生年金、健康保険【休日・休暇】完全週休2日制(土・日)、祝日、メーデー(5/1)、年末年始 (12/29-1/4)、年次有給休暇、夏季休暇(6日)、子の看護休暇、介護休暇、保存休暇、ボランティア休暇(5日)、リフレッシュ特別休暇など【福利厚生】ベネフィット・ワン、慶弔見舞金、前払い退職金/確定拠出年金制度、総合福祉団体定期保険、財形貯蓄制度、福利厚生補助、乳がん検査補助、社内クラブ活動、提携保育園(本社ビル内)【人事制度】フレックスタイム制、社内公募制度、在宅勤務制度、育児短時間勤務制度、育児休業制度、介護休業制度


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