Head of Laboratory Solutions Dpt.
Purpose: 1. Pioneer breakthroughs in healthcare for everyone, everwhere in Diagnostics, becoming trusted parther for customer by continuously upgrading ourselves. 2. LS Leadeship in the central lab with multi-disciplinary solution by clinical and workflow excellence.3. Lead to top IVD company in Japan to be the best trusted partner for customer and create the most attractive workplace in the industry.
Role Description:・Responsible and accountable for business plan backed up by solid marketing plan ・Marketing excellence, launch excellence and portfolio management excellence・Business analytics, financial planing and sales force excellence・Team development to make a strong marketing team ・Commercial operation including process improvement・Marketing program and campaigns to win business・Developping anual / mid term busness plan / marketing plan (budget process of MTA/MBR) ・Driving business practically to achieve financial targets & KPI・Business case development ・Projects leads ・Organizing appropriate training and education plan ・Strategic business planning and lead business development・Acting as "think tank" for LS Japan on key business opportunities and issues
Required Experience:・5+ years of professional experience in sales marketing management in Immunocassay, chemistry, Automation/IT・Experienece to establish trusted relationship with HQ in English (Working abroad experience is plus )・Previous experience working in healthcare industry (medical device/ IVD is plus)・Experience creating an inclusive team environment that fosters trust and a sense of empowerment・Proven track record of overachieving business targets・Experience to lead a middle team (20+)・Proficient hands-on/hands-off management and leadership to acheive goals
Language proficiency:Business level of English, Japanese
【雇用形態】正社員【勤務区分】在宅【契約期間】期間の定めなし【試用期間】3か月(条件変更無)【就業場所】本社【就業場所の変更の範囲】会社の定める場所および部署【就業時間】管理監督職 標準勤務時間9:00~17:30 【休憩時間】基本休憩時間12:00~13:00【時間外労働】有【賃金】1100-1900万(経験・スキルに基づき決定)【昇給】年1回(1月)【賞与】年1回(1月)【加入保険】雇用保険、労災保険、厚生年金、健康保険【休日・休暇】完全週休2日制(土・日)、祝日、メーデー(5/1)、年末年始 (12/29-1/4)、年次有給休暇、夏季休暇(6日)、子の看護休暇、介護休暇、保存休暇、ボランティア休暇(5日)、リフレッシュ特別休暇など【福利厚生】転勤社宅制度、ベネフィット・ワン、慶弔見舞金、前払い退職金/確定拠出年金制度、総合福祉団体定期保険、財形貯蓄制度、福利厚生補助、乳がん検査補助、社内クラブ活動、提携保育園(本社ビル内)【人事制度】フレックスタイム制、社内公募制度、在宅勤務制度、育児短時間勤務制度、育児休業制度、介護休業制度【従事すべき業務の変更の範囲】会社の定める業務【受動喫煙防止措置】屋内禁煙【募集者の氏名】シーメンスヘルスケア・ダイアグノスティクス株式会社
Req: 25H067
Purpose: 1. Pioneer breakthroughs in healthcare for everyone, everwhere in Diagnostics, becoming trusted parther for customer by continuously upgrading ourselves. 2. LS Leadeship in the central lab with multi-disciplinary solution by clinical and workflow excellence.3. Lead to top IVD company in Japan to be the best trusted partner for customer and create the most attractive workplace in the industry.
Role Description:・Responsible and accountable for business plan backed up by solid marketing plan ・Marketing excellence, launch excellence and portfolio management excellence・Business analytics, financial planing and sales force excellence・Team development to make a strong marketing team ・Commercial operation including process improvement・Marketing program and campaigns to win business・Developping anual / mid term busness plan / marketing plan (budget process of MTA/MBR) ・Driving business practically to achieve financial targets & KPI・Business case development ・Projects leads ・Organizing appropriate training and education plan ・Strategic business planning and lead business development・Acting as "think tank" for LS Japan on key business opportunities and issues
Required Experience:・5+ years of professional experience in sales marketing management in Immunocassay, chemistry, Automation/IT・Experienece to establish trusted relationship with HQ in English (Working abroad experience is plus )・Previous experience working in healthcare industry (medical device/ IVD is plus)・Experience creating an inclusive team environment that fosters trust and a sense of empowerment・Proven track record of overachieving business targets・Experience to lead a middle team (20+)・Proficient hands-on/hands-off management and leadership to acheive goals
Language proficiency:Business level of English, Japanese
【雇用形態】正社員【勤務区分】在宅【契約期間】期間の定めなし【試用期間】3か月(条件変更無)【就業場所】本社【就業場所の変更の範囲】会社の定める場所および部署【就業時間】管理監督職 標準勤務時間9:00~17:30 【休憩時間】基本休憩時間12:00~13:00【時間外労働】有【賃金】1100-1900万(経験・スキルに基づき決定)【昇給】年1回(1月)【賞与】年1回(1月)【加入保険】雇用保険、労災保険、厚生年金、健康保険【休日・休暇】完全週休2日制(土・日)、祝日、メーデー(5/1)、年末年始 (12/29-1/4)、年次有給休暇、夏季休暇(6日)、子の看護休暇、介護休暇、保存休暇、ボランティア休暇(5日)、リフレッシュ特別休暇など【福利厚生】転勤社宅制度、ベネフィット・ワン、慶弔見舞金、前払い退職金/確定拠出年金制度、総合福祉団体定期保険、財形貯蓄制度、福利厚生補助、乳がん検査補助、社内クラブ活動、提携保育園(本社ビル内)【人事制度】フレックスタイム制、社内公募制度、在宅勤務制度、育児短時間勤務制度、育児休業制度、介護休業制度【従事すべき業務の変更の範囲】会社の定める業務【受動喫煙防止措置】屋内禁煙【募集者の氏名】シーメンスヘルスケア・ダイアグノスティクス株式会社
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Req: 25H067
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