Austin, TX, US
3 days ago
Front End Engineer II, Amazon Business Catalog Tech
Come be a part of a rapidly expanding $35 billion-dollar global business. At Amazon Business, a fast-growing startup passionate about building solutions, we set out every day to innovate and disrupt the status quo. We stand at the intersection of tech & retail in the B2B space developing innovative purchasing and procurement solutions to help businesses and organizations thrive. At Amazon Business, we strive to be the most recognized and preferred strategic partner for smart business buying. Bring your insight, imagination and a healthy disregard for the impossible. Join us in building and celebrating the value of Amazon Business to buyers and sellers of all sizes and industries. Unlock your career potential.

We are looking for an experienced front-end engineer to help us reinvent business user interfaces. You will work with UX designers and engineers across product and tech teams in Seattle, Austin, Madrid, and Hyderabad, leading initiatives to transform these teams’ work into a single, holistic, end-to-end experience for business customers. A successful candidate will be passionate about front-end technology and enabling teams to deliver bar raising solutions.
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