Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
9 days ago
Faculty Professor Assistant of Practice – Full-Time

University of Pittsburgh
School of Education
Department of Educational Foundations, Organizations, and Policy (EFOP)
Assistant Professor of Practice and Coordinator of EFOP Undergraduate Program

Position: Assistant Professor of Practice and Coordinator of EFOP Undergraduate Program with a focus on Organizational Leadership, Innovation, and Education (12-month appointment)

Appointment: Twelve-month, full-time, appointment-stream; starting August 15, 2025

Description: The Department of Educational Foundations, Organizations, and Policy invites applications for an assistant professor of practice (appointment stream) from outstanding candidates with expertise in organizational leadership, innovation, and education. We seek a scholar-practitioner who employs collaborative, interdisciplinary and critical approaches to develop and lead coordination of a new online/hybrid undergraduate program exploring organizational leadership, change, and innovation in education. This new undergraduate program is in the beginning stages of development and will prepare undergraduate students for careers in non-teaching settings, including roles in educational or non-educational organizations, with a focus on organizational learning and development, leadership development, and workforce training. The new program will emphasize frameworks to help students understand how education can be a tool for shifting power dynamics and addressing inequities across educational and organizational contexts.

• Designing the new undergraduate bachelor’s degree program with an intended program launch for fall 2027, including stackable pathways with online micro-credentials and certificates;
• Coordinating the program post-launch, including building partnerships within and beyond the School of Education; this may involve activities like supporting the School of Education’s living-learning community partnership with student affairs;
• Teaching in the undergraduate program, particularly in online and hybrid formats, as well as, when needed, courses in other EFOP graduate programs; teaching responsibilities will be expected during the program’s development and before its launch.
• Advising and mentoring undergraduate students by providing holistic academic supports, and as needed graduate students, including EdD students;
• Contributing to the service mission of the University, School, and Department; and
• Engaging in scholarship aimed at directly influencing practice and policy.

While this new colleague will need to work with faculty, students, and staff across the Department, they will be affiliated with the Educational Policy, Higher Education, or Urban Education program, depending on their expertise.

The Department of Educational Foundations, Organizations, and Policy has 18 tenured or tenure-line faculty, four professors of practice, and two visiting faculty members. The Department includes three graduate program areas: Educational Policy (MA, EdD, and PhD), Urban Education (EdD and PhD), and Higher Education (MEd, EdD, and PhD). The candidate would join a vibrant community in the School of Education, at a time of great excitement, synergy, momentum, and action, particularly in relation to our explicit commitment to equity and justice in education. As a School, we are committed to determining sustainable ways to disrupt and transform long-standing patterns of inequity and injustice in education. We value collaborative work that is not constrained by rigid boundaries, but that is committed to the interconnections of equity and justice among departments, centers, and institutes in the School of Education and with the many partners at the university, and in various regional, national, and global communities.
The School’s mission/vision can be found at the following link: https://www.education.pitt.edu/about/equity-and-justice.

1. Earned doctorate (Ph.D or Ed.D) in education or closely related field by July 1, 2025;
2. Experience in designing and developing undergraduate programs from inception;
3. Demonstrated connection to departmental program area(s) (e.g., urban education, education policy, research and evaluation, higher education, comparative/international education);
4. Demonstrated professional work experience in program and curriculum design;
5. Demonstrated instructional experience in meeting the educational needs of diverse learners and audiences;
6. Demonstrated commitment to equity and justice through research, professional experience, teaching, service, and leadership that advances inclusive practices, addresses systemic inequities, and aligns with the Pitt School of Education’s mission-vision.;
7. Potential for or demonstrated successful teaching in higher education; and
8. Potential for or demonstrated successful mentoring and advising of students.

1. Experience in program, certificate program, and micro-credentialing program development and/or coordination;
2. Experience teaching in online and hybrid modalities;
3. Experience in or potential for institutional partnership development and/or working with undergraduate students; and
4. Potential for practitioner-oriented scholarship (e.g., conference presentations, journal articles, book chapters, webinars, policy white papers, professional association involvement, etc.) related to topics of educational/organizational innovation, change, and leadership;

Salary Rank: Competitive salary will be commensurate with qualifications at the rank of Assistant Professor of Practice (appointment stream).

Application Process: Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. To apply for this position please submit your letter of application, curriculum vitae, and the names and contact information for three references (Please note that references will only be contacted and asked to submit a letter if the candidate is a finalist for the position). Submit your materials to LINK
For questions about the submission process email edsearch@pitt.edu and for questions about the position, Department, or School of Education, email the search committee chair, Dr. Richard Benson (rbenson@pitt.edu).

The University of Pittsburgh is committed to championing all aspects of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility within our community. This commitment is a fundamental value of the University and is crucial in helping us advance our mission, which includes attracting and retaining diverse workforces. We will continue to create and maintain an environment that allows individuals to discover, belong, contribute, and grow, while honoring the experiences, perspectives, and unique identities of all.

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