62 days ago
Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (C4I) Experimentation Support Analyst


Provide experimentation and operations support to Experiments Division (ExDiv.) with regards to Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (C4I) Experiment Planning to inform the combat development process.



Common Experiments Division Technical and Functional Support tasks include, but are not limited to the following:

Participate in and report on site surveys and other planning events. Serve as observer/controllers, watch officers, data collectors and in other support billets during training and execution of live-force experiments. Collect, record, analyze and interpret the events occurring in live-force experiments or simulations to include wargames. Participate in the data reduction, analysis and assessment of information taken from experiments. Participate in and support the construction, production and delivery of briefs, reports of any type, presentations and conferences to review experiment findings. Plan the development of process, procedures, design, coordination and execution of User Evaluations (UE), Limited Technical Assessments (LTA), Limited Objective Experiments (LOE), MAGTF Integrated Experiments (MIX), Advanced Naval Training Exercises (ANTX), Advanced Warfighting Experiments (AWE) and other experiments. Create Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel, and Facilities (DOTMLPF) recommendations in writing and edit interim and final reports on UEs, LTAs, LOEs, MIXs, ANTXs, AWEs and letters of instruction for experiment execution. Support working groups, operational planning teams and other designated efforts with administration, organization, and facilities. Review information papers and other briefs/documents as required to support experiment efforts. Coordinate with the Futures Analysis Cell and Experiment Design Cell at Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory/Futures Directorate (MCWL/FD) to provide input for the Data Collection and Analysis Plan (DCAP) for specific experiments. Provide risk assessments and recommendations during planning and execution of experiments.


Specific C4I Experiment Planning tasks include but are not limited to the following:

Plan concept-based experiments and express them in a Plan of Action and Milestones (POA&M) to include activities such as Initial Planning Conference, Mid Planning Conference, and Final Planning Conferences with operating forces tasked to provide the experiment force. Conduct detailed budget estimates for both Operations and Maintenance (O&M) and Research and Development (R&D) outlining annual travel and experiment execution utilizing approved budgets based upon the campaign plan. Prepare and present briefs to the division director, higher headquarters, operating forces, and others as directed on concept-based experimentation, related campaign plans, supporting budgets and capabilities to be examined through experimentation. Develop and draft simple LOIs through complex experiment plans-including the enclosures, appendices, branches, and sequels, X-Files, Fact Sheets, position papers, and trade journal articles. Provide project management support C4I experiments to increase combat effectiveness. Assist in identifying the operational requirements, technologies, and Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) required to enhance C4I from a sea base to Marine Air-Ground Task Force (MAGTF) forces operating ashore. Integrate prototype or surrogate equipment into C4I capability enhancements. Develop and recommend scenarios integrating C4I concepts to support experimental events. Coordinate with the Experiment Design Cell for the inclusion of C4I related issues and technologies within M&S where applicable. Plan and conduct assessment conferences to review experiment and analysis reports in a format which includes the experiment force, the data collectors and report writers of designated experiments. Collect recommendations and write assessment conference reports for higher headquarters. Conduct campaign planning that will organize individual experiments over time in order to eliminate conflict between multiple experiment pathways while considering resource limitations in money, personnel, and time. Campaign plans which span one (1) to five (5) year periods are based upon higher headquarters guidance addressing various concepts to assess, capability gaps to examine and future warfighting environments, and are periodically updated. Support the execution of experiments by providing red cell and/or white cell actions necessary to produce actions aimed at the experiment force according to the MSEL to produce a realistic scenario to which to react. Interface with operating forces to solicit experiment support, and outline experiment resource requirements. Maintain regular and punctual attendance. Perform other duties as assigned.




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