Prague, PR, CZ
37 days ago
Business architect
Position Description:

We are searching for Business architect for leading an analytic team in the large projects to implement SW solutions mainly in energy and telecommunications sectors. This role is focused mainly on understanding the client’s business, legislation and requirements and designing the proper solution, as well as managing the team of analysts to prepare analytic and design documents and to ensure that the designed solution is correctly implemented, works as expected, and fulfills the client’s requirements and business needs.

Your future duties and responsibilities:

As Business architect, you will be responsible for:
• Representing CGI on key meetings with clients
• Establishing and keeping good relationships with clients
• Getting familiar with client’s business domain and learning respective legislation and industry standards
• Communication with external clients to collect, identify, describe and discuss client’s business requirements
• Definition and analysis of business needs, objectives and processes of the client
• Definition of critical processes of the client and their coverage by IT systems and solutions
• Design of proper solutions for clients’s business requirements, presentation for the client and discussion
• Organization and leading the business and solution meetings both external and internal
• Managing consistency and compliance between requrements by the business and capability of IT technologies
• Managing team of analysts to prepare analytical models and documents, covering various apsects of client’s business and designed solution (requirements, processes, functions, data, user interactions, integrations and data exchange, etc.), incl. specification for further technical design, development and configuration of SW solution
• Cooperation with other architects on all aspects of architecture (business, enterprise, solution, technological, infrastructure, security)
• Communication with internal team members – PM, architects, developers and testers
• Providing the consultancy to the client and internal project team
• Cooperation in international team (both within CGI group and with external vendors)
• Cooperation on development of new business opportunities and leading bids preparation for clients
• Your continuous education and experience growth

Required qualifications to be successful in this role:

Must have skills and experience:
• Knowledge of methodology of architecture design and preferrably the certification:
o or other comparable certificate
• Minimum of 5 years of experience in business architecture design
• Knowledge of analytical and architecture design methods and approaches like UML Modeling
• Knowledge of tools, preferrably Enterprise Architect and / or Archimate
• Proven experience as a business analysts on IT/solution implementation or system integration projects where you have been responsible for:
o Communication with clients, mainly stakeholders and business owners
o Design of business architecture of the solution
o Preparation of analysis and design documents
o Use of some standard analytical and architecture design methodology
o Participation on design of SW products
• Experience with delivery projects on vendor side
• Experience with various aspects of analysis and design of SW solutions, incl. business analysis, process analysis, funtional and data analysis, data modelling and data mapping, SW design, SW specification writing
• Familiarity with business, enterprise and application architecture and integration patterns
• Education: Bachelor’s or master’s degree, preferably technical, economical or IT
• Fluency in English and Czech/Slovak languages
• Excellent communication skills to effectively liaise with client (stakeholders, business process owners) and team members (architects, analysts, developers, testers)
• Strategic, analytical and structured thinking, problem solving skills
• Proficiency in MS Office
• Experience with working on international projects
• Presentation skills
• Flexibility and mobility
Skills and experience that are an advantage:
• Industry experience in Energy or Utilities, esp. experience with
o Energy data exchange
o Power distribution processes
o Power market basics
o Energy legislation (Energy Act and amendments „Lex OZE“)
• Previous experience with SW development, configuration, testing

What we offer
• Great mixture of friendly atmosphere and stability of one of the biggest IT companies (Our employees stay with us for more than 8 years on average)
• Possibility to purchase company share and participation in company profit
• Professional growth and development through certified training programs and knowledge sharing
• The full-time contract for an indefinite period
• Flexible working hours
• Hybrid work possible upon agreement
• Multi-sport card
• 900 CZK/monthly for your leisure activities
• 140 CZK meal vouchers
• 5 weeks of vacation + 3 sick days
• 30 days of fully paid sick leave
• Company loan without interest
• Mental health program


Skills: Architecture What you can expect from us:

Společně, jako vlastníci, převádíme odborné znalosti do praxe.

Život ve společnosti CGI je založen na vlastnictví, týmové práci, respektu a pocitu sounáležitosti. U nás můžete naplno využít svůj potenciál.

Zveme vás, abyste se od prvního dne stali vlastníky. Společně pracujeme na tom, aby se náš sen stal skutečností. Proto o sobě mluvíme jako o partnerech CGI, a ne jako o zaměstnancích. Těžíme z našeho společného úspěchu a máme možnost a odpovědnost aktivně se podílet na směřování a strategii naší společnosti.

Vaše práce vytváří hodnoty. Budete rozvíjet inovativní řešení a trvalé vztahy s kolegy a klienty a zároveň budete mít přístup ke globálním možnostem, abyste mohli proměnit své nápady ve skutečnost, využít nové příležitosti a těžit z předních odborných znalostí v oboru a technologií.

Budete rozvíjet svou kariéru tím, že se připojíte ke společnosti, která je postavena, aby rostla a přetrvala. Podpoří vás vedoucí pracovníci, kterým záleží na vašem zdraví a pohodě, a kteří vám pomohou využít příležitostí k rozvoji vašich dovedností a rozšíření obzorů.

Přidejte se k nám, k jedné z největších firem poskytujících poradenské služby v oblasti IT na světě.

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