Location: Ajdovščina, Pipistrel Vertical Solutions d.o.o.
We are looking for an analyst for production calculations and efficiency to join our finance department. Your task will be to analyze various aspects of production operations, including resource utilization, process efficiency, and production planning, with a focus on production calculations, post-calculations, and cost structure optimization. We are looking for a proactive colleague with analytical experience, a focus on continuous process improvement, and knowledge of ERP systems.
Your main areas of responsibility:
• Performing cost calculations and collecting cost data based on actual production results.
• Monitoring deviations from standard costs and identifying causes for deviations.
• Using industry standards and company norms to set criteria for production efficiency.
• Performing normative calculations to compare actual performance with set norms and identify areas for improvement.
• Collaborating with production managers, engineers, and technology to implement process improvements and achieve production goals.
• Monitoring and analyzing financial and non-financial performance indicators and efficiency.
• Participating in forecasting, monthly/quarterly business reporting, and month-end closing.
• Designing, implementing, and maintaining reporting on financial and business metrics for internal management and stakeholders.
• Participating in internal and external training and transferring knowledge to other stakeholders at all levels, from sales, finance, operations, and other functions within the organization.
What do we expect from the candidate:
• At least 3 years of experience in controlling.
• Good analytical skills and problem-solving abilities.
• Knowledge of Microsoft Excel – PivotTables, knowledge of PowerBI is an advantage.
• Experience with relevant financial systems (Infor, Hyperion, Oracle, etc.).
• Spoken and written English proficiency for professional purposes.
• Knowledge of legislation and regulations, possible international experience.
• University degree in economics or a related field.
What do we offer:
• Full-time employment with an evaluation period.
• Flexible working hours.
• Work in a creative and ambitious international company.
• Access to unique knowledge, aviation information, and resources for professional training.
• Excellent team of colleagues and the opportunity to work in an international environment.
• Funding for professional training (internal and external).
• Opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Location: Ajdovščina, Pipistrel Vertical Solutions d.o.o.
We are looking for an analyst for production calculations and efficiency to join our finance department. Your task will be to analyze various aspects of production operations, including resource utilization, process efficiency, and production planning, with a focus on production calculations, post-calculations, and cost structure optimization. We are looking for a proactive colleague with analytical experience, a focus on continuous process improvement, and knowledge of ERP systems.
Your main areas of responsibility:
• Performing cost calculations and collecting cost data based on actual production results.
• Monitoring deviations from standard costs and identifying causes for deviations.
• Using industry standards and company norms to set criteria for production efficiency.
• Performing normative calculations to compare actual performance with set norms and identify areas for improvement.
• Collaborating with production managers, engineers, and technology to implement process improvements and achieve production goals.
• Monitoring and analyzing financial and non-financial performance indicators and efficiency.
• Participating in forecasting, monthly/quarterly business reporting, and month-end closing.
• Designing, implementing, and maintaining reporting on financial and business metrics for internal management and stakeholders.
• Participating in internal and external training and transferring knowledge to other stakeholders at all levels, from sales, finance, operations, and other functions within the organization.
What do we expect from the candidate:
• At least 3 years of experience in controlling.
• Good analytical skills and problem-solving abilities.
• Knowledge of Microsoft Excel – PivotTables, knowledge of PowerBI is an advantage.
• Experience with relevant financial systems (Infor, Hyperion, Oracle, etc.).
• Spoken and written English proficiency for professional purposes.
• Knowledge of legislation and regulations, possible international experience.
• University degree in economics or a related field.
What do we offer:
• Full-time employment with an evaluation period.
• Flexible working hours.
• Work in a creative and ambitious international company.
• Access to unique knowledge, aviation information, and resources for professional training.
• Excellent team of colleagues and the opportunity to work in an international environment.
• Funding for professional training (internal and external).
• Opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Lokacija: Ajdovščina, Pipistrel Vertical Solutions d.o.o.
Iščemo analitika za proizvodne kalkulacije in učinkovitost, ki se bo pridružil naši ekipi v oddelku financ. Vaša naloga bo analizirati različne vidike proizvodnih operacij, vključno z uporabo virov, učinkovitostjo delovnih procesov in načrtovanjem proizvodnje, s poudarkom na proizvodnih kalkulacijah, post-kalkulacijah in optimizaciji stroškovne strukture. Iščemo proaktivnega sodelavca z analitičnimi izkušnjami, osredotočenostjo na nenehno izboljševanje procesov in poznavanjem ERP sistemov.
Vaše glavno področje delovanja?
• Izvajanje kalkulacij stroškov in zbiranje podatkov o stroških glede na dejanske proizvodne rezultate. Spremljanje odstopanj od standardnih stroškov in ugotavljanje vzrokov za odstopanja.
• Uporaba industrijskih standardov in normativov podjetja za določanje meril za proizvodno učinkovitost. Izvajanje normativnih kalkulacij za primerjavo dejanske uspešnosti z določenimi normativi in ugotavljanje področij za izboljšave.
• Sodelovanje z vodji proizvodnje, inženirji in tehnologijo za izvajanje izboljšav procesov in doseganje proizvodnih ciljev.
• Spremljanje in analiza finančnih in nefinančnih kazalnikov uspešnosti in učinkovitosti.
• Sodelovanje pri napovedovanju, mesečnem/četrtletnem poslovnem poročanju in zaključevanju ob koncu meseca.
• Oblikovanje, izvajanje in vzdrževanje poročanja o finančnih in poslovnih metrikah za notranje vodstvo in zainteresirane strani.
• Sodelovanje na notranjih in zunanjih usposabljanjih ter prenos znanja na druge deležnike na vseh ravneh, od prodaje, financ, operacij in drugih funkcij v organizaciji.
Kaj pričakujemo od kandidata/kandidatke?
• Vsaj 3 leta izkušenj na področju kontrolinga.
• Dobre analitične sposobnosti in sposobnosti reševanja problemov.
• Poznavanje programa Microsoft Excel – Vrtilne tabele, znanje uporabe PowerBI je prednost.
• Izkušnje z ustreznimi finančnimi sistemi (Infor, Hyperion, Oracle itd.).
• Govorno in pisno znanje angleščine za poklicne namene.
• Poznavanje zakonodaje in predpisov, morebitne mednarodne izkušnje.
• Univerzitetna izobrazba s področja ekonomije ali sorodnega področja.
Kaj ponujamo?
• Zaposlitev za polni delovni čas z ocenjevalnim obdobjem.
• Prilagodljiv delovni čas.
• Delo v ustvarjalnem in ambicioznem mednarodnem podjetju.
• Dostop do edinstvenega znanja, letalskih informacij in virov za strokovno usposabljanje.
• Odlična ekipa sodelavcev in priložnost za delo v mednarodnem okolju.
• Financiranje strokovnega usposabljanja (notranjega in zunanjega).
• Priložnosti za osebno in strokovno rast.