Rockledge, FL, 32956, USA
17 days ago
Accountant (Brevard, Orange, Osceola, Seminole County)
Starting Salary: $60,000 Position Summary: T h is p o s iti o n will b e r e sp o ns i b le for m a n agi n g v ario u s a ccru a l a cco u n t s , p a y me n t p r o c e ss i n g, a n d p a y r o ll a lloca t io n s . T h e Acco un t an t -Ge n e ral w ill a l s o ma n a g e s p e ci f ic r e p orts t o th e a g e n ci e s ’ f und e r, e nsu ri n g t i me ly sub m it t al s . E n su r e s c o m p lia n ce with a ll re l a t e d a cco un ti n g regul a ti on s a n d Agency p r o c e du r e s a n d compl e tes ot h e r du ties a n d r e p orti n g as a ss igne d . This position will be based in one of the service area counties, Brevard, Orange, Osceola or Seminole. Technical/Functional Expectations: A cc r ua l M anagemen t – E ss e n ti a l F unc ti on : T h is p o s iti o n will b e r e sp o ns i b le for m ai n t a i n i n g AP a n d UM a ccru a ls as we ll a s e n tering P T O a n d p a y r o ll a ccru a ls a s r e qu ir e d . P a y r o ll En t r ies, Allo c a ti on s – E ss en ti a l F unc ti on : Ma n age p a y r o ll e n trie s , t i m e l o g a lloca t i o n s an d gr a n t all o ca t io n s for all p a y r o ll p e rio ds . Fu nde r Deliver ab les – E s s en ti a l F unc ti o n : T h is p o s iti o n will m a n age an d s ub m it m o n t h ly a n d qu arterly r e co n cilia t io n s a n d r e p orts r e qu ir e d b y t h e fami l y o f a g e n c i e s m ain fu nd e r. Jou r na l En t r ies – E ss en ti a l F unc ti on : T h is p o s iti o n i s r e sp o n s i b le for m a k i n g a ll j ou r n al e n tr i e s wit h in on e d ay o f r e c e i p t i n to th e s o f tware sys te m . Mi s ce lla neou s A ccoun t M an a gemen t – E ss en ti a l F unc ti on : T h is p o s iti o n is r es p o ns i b le for m a n a ging m i s c e l la n e o u s acco un ts s u ch as p o s t a g e , mo b ile fing e r p ri n ti n g, d e p o s it s , gifts in k i nd , d o n a t e d s e r v ic e s a n d N CIE s u pp ort u n it rate b illi n g. Ba c k u p f o r o t he r A ccoun t an t po s iti on s : T h is p o s iti o n will s e r v e a s b ac ku p for t h e o t h e r A c co un t an t p o s iti ons . Other duties as required: Job performance requires fulfilling other incidental or related duties as assigned, assisting and training others, and performing duties of higher rated positions from time to time for developmental purposes. Behavioral Competencies: Attention to Detail: Able to be thorough and complete when working with assembling, processing, or providing detailed information; track details even when under pressure. Deal with Ambiguity: Able to maintain composure and handle frequent job changes or unexpected disruptions; work with conflicting, delayed, or unclear information; remain effective when faced with change and uncertainty. Versatility: Able to take on new or multiple roles and responsibilities and do them well; be flexible when considering options or opinions; be open to new ideas and change. Integrity: Able to demonstrate consistency of words and actions; protect confidential information; do what is right even when no one is watching; demonstrate sound business ethics; consistently comply with organizational values. Self-Control: Able to maintain a composed problem-solving approach when faced with unrealistic expectations, pressing time demands, frustration, or interpersonal conflict. Assertiveness: Able to express opinions and feelings maturely in spite of disagreement; candidly and honestly confront others regardless of status or position; confidently approach and present new ideas to decision makers. Sensitivity: Work effectively with and show sensitivity to cultural differences and various socio-economic backgrounds of others. Ethics: Adhere to and model principles and values of Agency and System of Care by being strength-based, solution-focused, maintains highest level of integrity and ethical standards and work collaboratively with employees, partners, stakeholders and clients in all interactions. Business Experience: 3+ years of progressive experience in accounting dept.: To effectively perform the required accounting functions and financial oversight to include A/P, journal entries, and GL and bank reconciliations. Prior experience in non-profit accounting preferred: To more easily understand the multiple funding streams and accounts and sub accounts utilized in this environment and under OMB Circulars. Effective Communication and Interpersonal skills: This is required to work in a dynamic team environment and address challenges and pressing deadlines in a collaborative, positive, solution-focused manner. Intermediate Level Skill in Excel: This is required in order to develop and maintain various and complex spreadsheets in support of the department’s goals. Educational and Experience Requirements: BA/BS Degree in Accounting required. 3+ years current accounting experience with A/P, Journal Entries and Bank Reconciliations required. Prior non-profit experience preferred. Physical Requirements: Lifting 20 pounds 75 % Sitting 30 % Reading 50 % Speaking 50 % Listening 70 % Typing 20 % Writing 30 % Noise Conditions Family Partnerships of Central Florida is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or protected veteran status. These employers also maintain Drug-Free Workplaces. Requests for Auxiliary Aids for Hearing Impaired or Limited English Proficiency Candidates may be made with a minimum of five (5) days notice to C. Hernandez at (321) 752-4650.
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